Christmas greetings 2020

EPTA Iceland celebrated its 40th anniversary with several events during the year 2019.
See photos and more here: http://epta.is/is/40-ara-afmaeli-epta-a-islandi/
The results of the 1st round of the VII. EPTA Iceland piano competition are now available. The secretary of EPTA Iceland was responsible for overseeing and handling of all applications. Members of the Jury of the 1st round were Alexey Lebedev, Aristo Sham og Daumants Liepiņš. The judges appraised the videos of each contestant with points and a brief review in English. The judges only received the following information about each contestant: a name, age/division and works performed. In order to progress to the 2nd round each contestant needed to receive a minimum of 240/3 points = 80 total.
Enclosed is a list of contestants in alphabetical order who were chosen to compete in the 2nd round which will be held in Kaldalón Hall in Harpa on November 24th – 25th 2018.
1st division
Vasyl Zaviriukha
Þórey María Eyþórsdóttir
2nd division
Alexander Viðar
Ásta Dóra Finnsdóttir
David Wallerstein
Eysteinn Ísidór Ólafsson
Guðmundur Steinn Markússon
Helga Sigríður Eyþórsdóttir Kolbeins
Ingibjörg Ramos Hilmarsdóttir
Klara Margrét Ívarsdóttir
Magnús Stephensen
3rd division
Anais Bergsdóttir
Baldvin Fannar Guðjónsson
Björn Helgi Björnsson
Ólína Ákadóttir
The board of EPTA Iceland thanks all contestants and the jury for their participation and wishes them good luck!
EPTA Iceland upcoming Inland conference will be held at Berg concert hall at the Reykjanesbaer School of Music on January 14th 2018. As an upbeat to the upcoming EPTA Iceland piano competition in Harpa on November 24. – 25. 2018 the Inland conference will focus upon “how to prepare students for competitions” with Professor Julia Mustonen-Dahlkvist, head of the piano department at Karlstad University´s Ingesund School of Music as keynote speaker. Mustonen-Dahlkvist´s student and rising star pianist Aristo Sham will perform a recital including works by Scarlatti, Liszt, Scriabin, Brahms and Barber as the highlight of the conference.
Other lectures will include the subjects of “teaching rhythmic piano” by Jazz pianist Sunna Gunnlaugsdottir, the Timani method by Bjorg Brjansdottir, “teaching improvisation” by Bjargey Thrudur Ingolfsdottir and “musicians health” by Kari Arnason founder of Reykjavík Art Clinic, specific physio clinic for musicians. The conference is open to all EPTA members, for further information please contact epta@epta.is
You can find and download handouts from the conference speakers here.
To honor the 2,567th birthday of Confucius, the Northern Lights Confucius Institute presents: PIANIST DAVID WITTEN
Kaldalón Recital Hall in Harpa
Saturday 8:00pm
September 24, 2016
Works by —
Yinghai Li
Alexander Tcherepnin
Bohuslav Martinů
Alexina Louie
Wolfgang Amadée Mozart
Frédéric Chopin“The inner nature of man is the province of music.”
– Confucius
Registration for the 38th international EPTA conference is now open. The conference will be held in Reykjavík, Iceland on the 22nd to the 25th of September 2016. If you register before the 17th of June, you will receive Early-Bird discount rates.
Some have had trouble with registration for the conference so here are the detailed instructions .
1. Go to the conference website
2. On the left side of the page you will find information about Iceland, the program, flights, hotels etc.
3. On the left side of the page you will also find a “Registration” option
4. When you have clicked on “Registration” you will see a participant registration and Hotel registration.
Hopefully you will have no problem with registering and we are looking forward to see you in Iceland in September!