Píanóverk Þuríðar Jónsdóttur samið fyrir IX. Píanókeppni EPTA 2025 má finna hér:

Epta Iceland’s inland Conference-the 29th of september-1st october.
EPTA’s schedule. Conference in Flúðir.
Friday 29. 09. 2023:
People arriving and settling in. A meeting at Fróða kl. 20:00.
Saturday 30. 09. 2023:
kl. 09:00 Meet up in félagsheimili Hrunamanna á Flúðum.
kl. 09:02 Alberto Urroz (Spain) On Spanish
piano music. Spanish influence on Scarlatti´s music and more.
Coffee break
kl. 10:10 Stefan Bojsten (Sweden) Erindi um þátttöku í píanókeppnum // On
participation in piano competitions, what to play? how to prepare? and all the other Q&A…
kl. 11:10 Introduction of Laufey´s new lesson book: My compositions. The first journey for elementary piano students.
kl. 12:00 Magnea Gunnarsdóttir. Magnea´s new teaching material on theory for beginners “Nótnaeyjan”.
kl. 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch break.
kl. 13:45 Piano Safari piano school.
Kaffi // Coffee break
kl. 15:30 Dr. Linda Christensen (USA)
a) “Google Drive” how to use this as a teacher tool.
b) Ideas for web-based games and activities that do not require an iPad – they would work on any device that could connect to the internet
c) What to look for in a digital piano (this would not feature any particular brand of piano – nothing about sales) – what is new and what digital pianos have to offer now, and why they are a great solution for a teaching studio, either as a primary or secondary instrument.
ca. kl. 17:00 Schedule finished for that day
Sunnudagur 01.10. 2023
kl. 10:00 Piano Safari (USA). continuing.
kl. 11:15 Dr. Linda Christensen (USA). continuing.
kl. 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch break
kl. 13:45 Alberto Urroz (Spain). spanish piano music
Kaffi // Coffee
ca. kl. 16:00 FINE.
Upcoming Events for EPTA Denmark and EPTA Sweden

Christmas Greeting 2022

Epta Iceland’s Inland Conference – October 15th

Program of Albert Mamriev’s masterclass/Lecture

Masterclass/Lecture with Albert Mamriev

On Monday the 6th of June EPTA Iceland will be hosting a masterclass and a lecture with the great pianist Albert Mamriev.
The event will be take place in the hall of Garðabær Music School and will last from 9AM to 5PM. Ten students will partake in the masterclass. During the lecture Mr. Mamriev will discuss how to chose repertoire for piano competitions as he has extensive experience both as a competitor as well as a member of jury.
Admission is 5.000 kr. and included is a light lunch. Sign-up is by email to epta@epta.is and please let us know if you require vegeterian/gluten free lunch. The fee can be transferred into the following account: 0515-26-13773 kt.: 690586-2239.

Results from the VIII. EPTA Piano Competition
Now the 8th Piano Competition of EPTA Iceland is finished.
We want to thank all the contestants for their great performance in the competition and also to thank their teachers and the people who came and listened.
The results of the jury are following:
Youngest Category – 10 years and younger:
1st place – Kristín Gyða Bjarnveigardóttir
2nd place – Iðunn Óliversdóttir
3rd place – Kolbeinn Hjörleifsson
First Category – 14 years and younger:
1st place – Vasyl Zaviriukha
2nd place – Þór Óli Bjarnason
3rd place – Ásgerður Sara Hálfdanardóttir
Second Category 18 years and younger:
1st place – Ásta Dóra Finnsdóttir
2nd place – Alexander Viðar
3rd place – Óskar Atli Kristinsson
Award for the best performance of a new Icelandic work – Lausagrjót composed by Ingibjörg Friðriksdóttir:
Polina María Viktorsdóttir
EPTA Iceland’s Piano Competition – November 4-7 2021